Heron looking up toward the sky.
Cowichan Bay is in the southern part of Vancouver Island about an hour north of Victoria . It's in Canada's only maritime Mediterranean climatic zone, home to the warmest year–round temperatures in all the provinces. ![]() Every November, Sea lions come to Cowichan Bay, BC to feed on the coho salmon that are making their way back to their spawning grounds at the Cowichan and Koksilah Rivers. Both the California and Steller sea lions gather in large numbers at the dock in town. They're quite social animals. You'll often see them piled on top of each other and consistently staying close to one another. Male Steller sea lions can reach a height of 3 meters, and can weigh up to 800 kg (1,763 lbs). The big guys can consume up to 16 kg (35 lbs) of fish daily. Every day I am "OMGing" because the visual world around me is stunningly beautiful in that way you hope every vacation you go on will be. What makes this extraordinary is that I'm not on vacation. This is home. Home, for now anyway. I have to keep reminding myself of that. Today's outing to the beach, where endless hiking trails wind and weave around, is 15 minutes away from where I live. I can see the sights in these photos every single day, if I choose to. Therein lies the Oh My Gawd! I'm constantly feeling and silently saying to myself. Sometimes I even say it out loud. Oyster Catchers ![]() There couldn't have been a better sign for me at the entrance to the park. When I spoke to a lady coming back from one of the trails with her dog she cautioned me to be watchful for cougars and bears. I loved the idea that I might get to see one or both. In 1860 Lillooet (in Canada) was one of the largest cities west of Chicago, second only to San Francisco. The town's history is entrenched in the BC Gold Rush of 1860, when Lillooet was Mile "0" on the Cariboo Pavillion Road, the first wagon road to be surveyed in BC and the route to the Cariboo gold fields. Current population is under 2,500. Colorful lakes surround the area including Seton, Anderson, Lillooet and Carpenter. The Fraser River, the longest river in British Columbia, runs along the entire town. The smoke is so thick today around Lillooet, BC that you can feel it in every breath. It stings the eyes and hovers over everything like a grey veil has been dropped from the highest peaks to the riverbeds and hangs over the whole town.
COMPUTER VS A PHONE. Betsy SeetonNavigating life Archives
June 2024
“In a forest of a
hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike.” ~ Paulo Coelho Categories