People in India believe that a distant planet, say mars or Jupiter may change their lives. Some astrologers predict the future in a very common way and get their name printed in all the poor minds. Astrology, developed from mathematics, observation and has became fraudulent. The Indians, even the clever, are afraid of god and worship in all the unscientific ways. In India, astrology is more famous than astronomy. The babas are more respected than scientists.
The government is taking steps to suppress the superstitious beliefs and develop India, but many astrologers are major obstacles for the development of our country and superstitious beliefs also impede our country’s development.
Here's a link to an article about Dabholkar, a 67-year-old medical doctor-turned-activist who “wanted to expose the people who cheat the poor in the name of gods, who promise false cures for cancer or do black magic to perform so-called miracles.” He said that superstition was a disease causing a lot of harm, especially to the poor and the gullible. READ FULL ARTICLE