Jaguars tend to have larger rosettes (rose like shaped patches) in the middle while a leopard has plain rosettes with no central spot in the middle.
Leopards can survive in the wild because of their camouflaged fur and strength to move heavy carcasses into tress. They can adapt to various habitats such as rainforest and hilly areas. The key ability, which helps leopards to survive in such harsh habitats is their speed. They can run up to 58 kilometres per hour.
Unfortunately, leopards are listed as NEAR THREATENED on the IUCN RED LIST. There are only 14000 leopards in south Asia. Main reason for the declination in their population is their habitat loss. People destroy their habitat intentionally and illegally to sell them in the wildlife trade for decorative purpose. People hunt down the animal for its beautiful skin and horns. A single animal can fetch up to 5000 US dollars in the market.
Leopards are a part of the food chain. Every animal is. Leopards are food for crocodiles. If the big cat disappears from the food web, then crocodiles will lose their food. If all such preys of crocodile become extinct, then eventually even crocodiles become extinct. In this way every animal disappears including us, the humans! If we disturb nature, it affects us very badly. Every animal should be taken care of.

Awareness programs can be set up by you! It doesn't have to be a professional. You can do your part to help others learn. You cano spread the news about the importance of leopards in the food chain, and how time is running short if we are going to save them.