I was just watching them, listening to their buzz and photographing the comings and goings. I focused on watching for the various pollen colors. I always like to see what colors are popular on a given day. The bees were so beautiful, I just had to see more so I opened the hive and only took out one frame. It was full of bees on one side, and half as many on the other side.
The buzzy sound - a bit harried - could still be heard, but the bees weren't flying frantically around me. I was holding the frame with my left hand and keeping it up and down just like it sits in the box, so I wouldn't drip any honey out of the comb. I tried taking photos with my right hand, but I wasn't getting the lighting right and kept trying to maneuver the frame in a better direction, but it's hard with just one hand. Nothing I was doing was working. I decided to just put the frame back and let the hive calm down a bit.
As I went to pick up the frame with both hands, I turned in such a way as to cause my camera to swing from the strap around my neck and conk the side of the hive box. I winced; I knew that must have been loud on the inside. I could hear some bees being startled around me.

Inside my house, I downloaded my photos and the little pain I had lasted all of two minutes. I'd read somewhere that the less worried or even concerned a person is about a bee sting, the less swelling there will be and the less pain there is. At that point, I didn't know if I'd been stung since nothing really happened afterward. I just went about my business.