When worker bees bring pollen into the hive, the queen is stimulated to start laying eggs. Bee pollen contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. Adult bees can live off of carbohydrate rich honey, but bees in the making need both pollen and honey for optimal nutrition. Below are photos of my bees bringing in colorful pollen to their brood. Below are some photos of another episode where drones were being chased out of the hive. The drone is the one next to the bee on the left and has bigger eyes than his sisters. If you haven't seen the photo blog where a drone was being denied access to the hive click here.
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This blog will cover what I learn being a guardian of honey bees. I will also share with you about my connection with bees in ways that you won't often find in books or other sources.
For All The Animals (this website) is my company. Inspiring young people to learn about and love nature is very important to me.
I'm also a private investigator, writer, photographer and activist. Nature is my religion. One of my goals through the use of a camera lens is to bring the world of what I call "tiny life" into focus, to expand our own. I want to share my belief that all life matters. My photography passion extends to all animals, birds, marine life and reptiles. I posit that if the human race embraced that single concept -- all life matters -- we'd be closer to peace on this beautiful and glorious, but quite messed up planet. Archives
May 2017